Saturday, January 28, 2012

What Level 6 Triathlon is all about...

Welcome to the home of Level 6 Triathlon. We are here to provide support and coaching for all your athletic pursuits. Level 6 is headed by Matt Widzer, an exercise physiologist and competitive multisport athlete. At Level 6 we are here to introduce you to your maximum capabilities. The term "Level 6" is a reference to a sport psychologist's study of what allows athlete's to perform to their potential.

As with most thing, success in sport is more than physical. Our goal at Level 6 is provide athletes their personalized recipe for success, building mental strength along with the physical. Just like improving your 5K time with focused training, so you everyone cultivate the mental skills to become a Level 6 Performer.

We are always here to answer your questions. Join us by Emailing your questions or comments, or following us on Twitter  and  Facebook!